============ Changes ============ pylatexenc 3.0alpha =================== (Still in development.) .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 new-in-pylatexenc-3 - see in particular the :ref:`list of changes that might affect existing code ` if you're using some more advanced features of `pylatexenc`. pylatexenc 2.10 =============== - Added :py:class:`pylatexenc.latexencode.PartialLatexToLatexEncoder` which can help to avoid double-escaping some existing LaTeX expressions in the string that we want to LaTeX-encode. - The :py:class:`pylatexenc.latexencode.UnicodeToTextConversionRule` now has a :py:attr:`~pylatexenc.latexencode.UnicodeToTextConversionRule.replacement_text_protection` field which can be used to override the default `replacement_text_protection` set on a :py:class:`pylatexenc.latexencode.UnicodeToTextEncoder` object. Also the `replacement_text_protection` fields accept an arbitrary callable object. - added some known macro definitions for :py:mod:`~pylatexenc.latexwalker` and :py:mod:`~pylatexenc.latex2text`, such as ``\definecolor`` and ``\textcolor``. - Bug fixes (including :issue:`57`) pylatexenc 2.9 ============== - Bug fixes (including issues :issue:`49`, :issue:`51`, :pr:`52`, :pr:`53`, :pr:`54`) pylatexenc 2.8 ============== - `latex2text` module: Basic support for array and matrix environments. Matrices are represented inline, in the form ``[ a b; c d ]``. - `latexencode` bugfix (issue :issue:`44`) pylatexenc 2.7 ============== - Bug fix: the parser now disambiguates ``$$`` as either a display math delimiter or two inline math delimiters as in ``$a$$b$`` (issue :issue:`43`) pylatexenc 2.6 ============== - In `latex2text`: + Bug fix: default behavior of the `strict_latex_spaces` option in the :py:class:`pylatexenc.latex2text.LatexNodes2Text()` constructor + fix ``\le``, ``\ge``, ``\leqslant``, ``\geqslant`` (issue :issue:`41`) + reorganized the default latex symbol categories pylatexenc 2.5 ============== - `latex2text`: Add support for ``\mathbb{}``, ``\mathbf{}`` and some friends (issue :issue:`40`) pylatexenc 2.4 ============== - Bug fixes in how `latex2text` attempts to recover from parse errors in tolerant mode pylatexenc 2.3 ============== - Minor bug fixes in `latex2text` pylatexenc 2.2 ============== Version 2.2 brings a few minor bug fixes and improvements over version 2.1: - `pylatexenc.latex2text` supports more LaTeX symbols - `latex2text` and `latexwalker` command-line utilities accept a new `-c` option where you can directly specify LaTeX code - minor bug fixes pylatexenc 2.1 ============== Version 2.1 brings a few minor bug fixes to version 2.0. pylatexenc 2.0 ============== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 new-in-pylatexenc-2 - see in particular the :ref:`list of changes that might affect existing code ` if you're using some advanced features of `pylatexenc`. pylatexenc 1.x ============== See description of updates and changes on the `github releases page `_.